

Neverwinter Nights 2 Equipment Database: Item Details
Sauringar Tome
Base Item: Book
Weight: 1 pound(s)
Resource Name: nx2_t_yuantitome
Installation: Storm of Zehir
Special Properties
Saving Throw Bonus: Poison [+ 1]
This appears to be some kind of prayerbook, ancient and well-worn. You're not able to make sense of much of the text - a great deal of it has simply been worn away with age - but you're able to find the following passage, written in an archaic dialect of the Common tongue:

"Praise ye be to the Great Serpent, the Slitherer Supreme! To Sseth let our prayers rise - let the great one hear as we offer our sacrifices to him, as they give their lives willingly to his glory, and we slither through their blood. Let subtlety be our ways, and manipulation guide us - in the Sacred Way of Sseth, the whisper is mightier than the fang, manipulation greater than force. Let the tsaa olo not know we guide them, let them not know our motions until we have won. May Sseth bless the vrael olo, that one day, as it should be, we hold the reins of the world - that we order and guide it according to His favor!"

"Yea, let praise be to Sseth. Let honor be given to the Slitherer Supreme. May he bless his faithful children, and may we ever honor his name."